About .

My favorite quote is

“A lot of what people call intelligence boils down to curiosity.” - Aaron Swartz

The one word that I hope comes to mind when someone thinks of me is dependable. Aaaaand if I had to choose the second best word to describe me, it would be curious because it most accurately represents how I try to approach each day in a rapidly advancing world: a passion for absorbing varying information and communicating its proper value.

I believe intelligence, if not fed, withers over time, but curiosity can nourish intelligence for a lifetime. That is why I try to treat this personal website kind of like a digital garden my recent curiosities.

A garden is a beautiful metaphor for curious minds. Gardens take time to be fruitful. They take work. They require trust in factors that are out of your control. Not everything planted will grow; yet some will flourish. And when they do, the harvest is oh-so satisfying.

Therefore, this simple plot of the internet will never be complete. There will always be a time to plant something new. Or I might need to pull up a few pages to create space for something else. We’ll see.

So take a look around. And if you like something you read here, please feel free to share it and let me know. That would bring me a lot of joy. My hope is that something I find interesting might spark your own curiosity.

If you made it this far, well, this might be the simple beginning of a digital friendship. If so, of all the things I would want to share with a cool person I just met, these three are the ones I would want to share first:

If you'd like to get in touch with me, email and maybe twitter are your best channels. Just know that I have turned notifications off for both, so my response may not be instantaneous (which is actually a good thing for both of us).